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Low viscosity with aerial visibility

PHOS-CHEK® WD881C Class A foam concentrate is specially formulated to make water more effective for firefighting. PHOS-CHEK WD881C provides the same superior foam characteristics that you expect from PHOS-CHEK WD881 but disperses well, exhibits a lower viscosity, and provides improved aerial visibility when mixed with extremely cold water. PHOS-CHEK WD881C was developed specifically for use in northern regions where nighttime freezing temperatures are common during the early spring and late fall fire season. Low viscosity at cold temperatures allows the foam concentrate to be readily mixed using eductors, proportioners, and injection devices, even at near or below freezing temperatures.

The unique combination of surfactants in PHOS-CHEK WD881C significantly reduces water’s surface tension, and when mixed with air, creates a superior foam blanket that surrounds fuels with a thick layer of water. The foam blanket creates a barrier between the fuel and the fire, knocking down the fire faster than water alone and allows fire fighters to see the areas of application. The reduced surface tension allows the water to penetrate deep into Class A fuels rather than beading up and rolling off before it can be absorbed. Making the water more effective reduces the amount of water needed to extinguish the fire and increases fire fighter safety through quicker knockdown and reduced mop-up/overhaul requirements.

Both PHOS-CHEK WD881 and WD881C are the most concentrated Class A foam products available today. Many available products contain significantly more water in the concentrate. The extra water in the concentrate means higher use rates will be required to achieve expected results. PHOS-CHEK WD881C is compatible with fresh water, sea water and long-term retardant. Foam characteristics are not affected by freeze-thaw.

PHOS-CHEK WD881C foam concentrate does not contain PFAS chemicals including, but not limited to, PFOS or PFOA. Fluorinated surfactants are used in Class B foam  concentrates and are necessary to form a film on flammable liquid fires. 


*Can be used any season. 

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